Aviation Training

We are well equipped with training in aviation operational and airworthiness related in the following area :

SMS (Safety Management System)

SMS training is mandatory for all aviation related organisation, within Aviation Authority, Airport and Air Operator from CEO to staff that have involvement with aviation related activities, this SMS change your way of Reactive to Predictive approach.

SAFA (Safety Assessment of Foreign Aircraft).

Safety ASsessment of Foreign Aircraft is a European program that oversight all foreign aircraft operatingwithin European aircraft, the more understanding on SAFA, the less chance of you being remarked as operator and collection of the operators findings within states will improve your overall safety, and report on Safety related matters within international databases and avoid unwanted Banned situation in the future.

Flight Crew training, flight operational and Aircraft maintenance aspect of:

  • AWO (All Weather Operations)
  • PBN (Performance Based Navigations RNP/RNAV)
  • EFB (Electronic Flight Bag)
    operational and Airworthiness training and preparation for operational approval