Indonesia Director
Mona is responsible for overall Company program, including Management and Indonesia Projects.

Ludlow Beckford
USA, Director
Beckford is one of the senior management that act as principle Aerotek-Avia Businesses in the US.
Florida, USA Company Registration : L15000164006
Clients with the following aviation related expertise:
– Acquiring and selecting suitable aircraft to meet your demand.
– Aircraft sales and charter brokerage that fit you and client requirements.
– Consulting aircraft operational preparation for new AOC or under management.
– Airport and aerodrome study.
– Aviation Safety Audits.
– Aviation related software.
– Aviation manuals managements.
– Safety Management System.
– Aircraft independent insurance valuations.
– Aviation Accident or incident independent investigations.
– Supporting aviation organization with Market intelligent and financial status Our services enable aircraft owners to offset their costs of ownership and allow travelers to fly via private jet without having to own an aircraft.
Our network comprised of access to hundreds of aircraft, enabling us to provide lift virtually anywhere, anytime, in any type of aircraft. Our clients include a wide mix of our society; from Governors, head of municipality small businesses, entrepreneurs, multinational companies, private individuals, celebrities, and professionals.
CEO of Aerotekavia USA Ludlow Beckford is an aviation expert who have been involved in aviation for the past 40 years with over 10000hrs in various airlines, managerial and Aviation Safety inspector within Civil Aviation Authority. He is currently active as Flight operations inspector, Instructor and examiner for FAA, EASA, UAE GCAA for Airbus and Boeing Aircraft.
He started Aerotekavia USA to accommodate cross border business demand in aviation training, employment, aviation safety consulting as well as aviation management. Shawn A, CEO Aerotekavia Canada. Shawn is a dedicated aviator in the field of air charter operations, primarily active as flight crew member flying Dassault Falcon 7 X. He have spent over 25 years in air charter business having involved in various position, he is one of the pioneer in aviation employment and recruitment.
with our aircraft performance and cost analyst expertise you will be able to review comparisons on aircraft based on historical data and utilisations.
You can contact any air operator and obtain quote, however with us, you can obtain more comparisons amongst any air charter as well asl safety benefits
Our cabin training devices or cabin simulator is design on custom tailored to meet operators requirements.
Consulting specific aviation area is not easy, however we do have specific solutions to your specific needs.